What is a Registered Agent and is it Required to Own a Business?

If you have or are planning on starting a business, you need a registered agent. Have you ever wondered if you need a registered agent service or are you wondering what to do to get one? Have you considered handling your registered agency issues yourself? In this article, we will talk about the advantages of being your own registered agent and help you decide whether to hire a registered agency service.

Custom Copy for Etsy Ads or Other Web Content

I have a store on Etsy just like many of you do. But I'm also a 5-star published writer on the internet as well as real-world publications. I've been writing top-quality pieces for website owners, blog owners, and eCommerce sites, as well as publishers for over 6 years. I've written 6 eBooks as well that have been published on Amazon Kindle, produced to audiobook on, and hundreds of bookstores across the country. Let me write or revise your Etsy ad (or any other copy) for a fee to increase your targeted traffic and get more sales! It's all about the content!

Digital Marketing: The Complete Content Marketing Handbook

If you have always wanted to know all about digital content marketing, this is the book you need to read. Written by a successful online entrepreneur and digital media business owner and writer, the author shows you a comprehensive list of all of the tools you can use (mostly free) to create and run your very own digital media marketing campaigns. This is an eBook and is downloadable from Digital Content here. You may also purchase this book and many others on the Amazon and Audible platform.

How to Be "Mobile-Friendly" with 5 Simple Changes to Your Website

If you are an online business owner, webmaster, or other professional involved in the creation and maintenance of online content, you should read this article. I was paid over $3700 for a 12-part video series on Google Analytics and I learned much about Google and online mobile marketing through this project. I share what I know in this article for website owners who want to make their site mobile-friendly immediately. SEO-optimized for: mobile-friendly, mobile-friendly web sites

How to Write Content that Woos Search Engines and People

Everyone knows the importance of writing content to attract search engines. Using the right keywords in the right places helps you match the search terms visitors use with your content. But, beyond that, you have to figure out a way to attract real people to your site and keep them there long enough to discover your brand. How do you do this? I've written a lot of articles about this topic and have studied the nuances of how to create high-quality content that will be found in Google while also engaging your target audience. If you are interested in purchasing this article, contact me through the contact link for pricing and word count.